Kingston Parks & Recreation
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Little Sprouts

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Little Sprouts is for children 2-4 years of age and is a play group that offers children a chance to socialize through play during fun activities.  Your child will develop their social skills while interacting with other children, in a warm caring and safe environment.  We are looking forward to creating meaningful relationships with both you and your child.
Please send your child with the following:
Change of clothing
Snack and drink 
Water Bottle(labeled)
Diapers if not fully potty trained (not pull ups)

Program Update
: Accepting children 2-4 years old.

It is preferred that Children be in the process of potty training, but if not, you can send your child in a diaper in case of an accident.  Children will have the opportunity to use the restroom during the daily program. We have children in all stages of potty training. Each child will be encouraged by having an individual potty training sticker chart, and will be sent home with child,to help encourage practice at home as well.

Children can attend one month or more throughout the year. Monthly opportunities are from September - June.
8 children max. in session

Questions please email Terri Allen directly at

Little Sprouts

Little Sprouts
Instructor : Terri Allen
Program Fee: $80.00/week Residents; $90.00/week for Non-Residents

8 children maximum in each group

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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