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Resident - Parking Sticker
17y - 99y
04/01/2025 - 09/30/2025
09:00 AM - 04:00 PM
Parks & Recreation Office
$30.00 Res
The Recreation Office can be closed intermittently throughout the day as there are times that the office is closed due to off-site property & programming management. To ensure the office is open for sticker pick up we recommended that you call ahead.
Registration Unavailable
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Resident - Parking Sticker to Be Mailed
17y - 99y
04/01/2025 - 09/30/2025
09:00 AM - 04:00 PM
Parks & Recreation Office
$35.00 Res
You must create an account to purchase a sticker. This sticker is for resident parking at Gray's Beach Park and the Kingston Ah-de-nah Boat Area.
Registration Unavailable
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Veteran - Resident Parking Sticker
17y - 99y
04/01/2025 - 09/30/2025
09:00 AM - 04:00 PM
Parks & Recreation Office
$25.00 Res
The Recreation Office can be closed intermittently throughout the day as there are times that the office is closed due to off-site property & programming management. To ensure the office is open for sticker pick up we recommended that you call ahead.
Registration Unavailable
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Veteran - Resident Parking Sticker to Be Mailed
17y - 99y
04/01/2025 - 09/30/2025
09:00 AM - 04:00 PM
Parks & Recreation Office
$30.00 Res
You must create an account to purchase a sticker. This sticker is for resident parking at Gray's Beach Park and the Kingston Ah-de-nah Boat Area.
Registration Unavailable
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Non- Resident Gray's Beach Park Sticker
17y - 99y
04/01/2025 - 09/30/2025
09:00 AM - 04:00 PM
Parks & Recreation Office
$60.00 Non-Res
The Recreation Office can be closed intermittently throughout the day as there are times that the office is closed due to off-site property & programming management. To ensure the office is open for sticker pick up we recommended that you call ahead.
Registration Unavailable
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Non- Resident Gray's Beach Park Sticker-To Be Mailed
17y - 99y
04/01/2025 - 09/30/2025
09:00 AM - 04:00 PM
Parks & Recreation Office
$65.00 Non-Res
Registration Unavailable
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Veteran Non- Resident Gray's Beach Park Sticker
17y - 99y
04/01/2025 - 09/30/2025
09:00 AM - 04:00 PM
Parks & Recreation Office
$55.00 Non-Res
The Recreation Office can be closed intermittently throughout the day as there are times that the office is closed due to off-site property & programming management. To ensure the office is open for sticker pick up we recommended that you call ahead.
Registration Unavailable
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Veteran Non- Resident Gray's Beach Park Sticker-To Be Mailed
17y - 99y
04/01/2025 - 09/30/2025
09:00 AM - 04:00 PM
Parks & Recreation Office
$60.00 Non-Res